How Do GPS Tracking Systems Enhance Efficiency for Drivers?

GPS Tracking System


In today’s world, technology is making our lives more comfortable in many ways. One important way is through GPS technology in vehicles. The GPS always uses satellites to pinpoint exactly where a vehicle is at any given moment. That means drivers always know their location, even if the place is unfamiliar to them. In this blog, we will look at some specific ways the Global Positioning System (GPS) can be used to make your business run more smoothly. 

Understanding the GPS Tracking System

The GPS is like a digital map that shows where your car or truck is. However, a GPS tracking system for vehicles uses signals from satellites to give you precise locations. That means you can always know where your vehicle is, even if you are far away from your destination. 

Maximizing Driver Efficiency with GPS Tracker

Vehicle tracking devices offer many benefits to streamline your business operations and improve the prevailing performance of your fleets. So, now let’s discuss some of the benefits of this tracking device.

1. Improved Driver Behavior

GPS tracking helps drivers avoid harsh acceleration, sudden braking, and speeding. Besides, when drivers know they are being monitored by the GPS tracking system, they drive more carefully. This keeps the vehicle in better condition.

2. Real-Time Traffic Updates

With GPS tracking, you can see real-time traffic conditions. That helps drivers avoid traffic jams and take better routes, saving time and fuel.

3. Enhanced Security

Vehicle tracking with GPS makes it easier to recover stolen vehicles. Knowing the exact location of a vehicle helps in quickly locating and retrieving it.

4. Alerts for Violations

The system sends alerts if a driver breaks the rules, like speeding. This helps ensure drivers follow the speed limits and drive safely.

5. Overall Efficiency

By improving driving habits and route planning, GPS tracking makes managing your fleet simpler and more efficient.

So, we think now you understand how important GPS systems are. Now, we will look at some specific uses of this tracker. Whether you have a small delivery service or a large logistics company they can meet your needs. Let’s discuss how.

GPS Tracker

Some Specific Uses of Advanced GPS Tracking Systems

Advanced GPS systems are incredibly versatile and can be used in many different ways to help businesses run more smoothly and those are: 

1. Cold Storage and Temperature Monitoring

For companies transporting perishable goods, keeping the correct temperature is essential. Advanced GPS systems can be connected to temperature sensors in the cooling units. Therefore, if the temperature deviates from the set range, alerts can be sent via SMS or email, ensuring the goods stay fresh.

2. Towing and Vehicle Recovery

Companies that deliver towing services can satisfy from bed sensors connected to GPS trackers. These advanced sensors can track when a towing bed is in use, helping managers keep track of the number of jobs completed and ensure efficient use of resources.

3. Multi-Driver Management

In businesses where multiple drivers use the same vehicle, identifying who drove the vehicle and when can be difficult. GPS systems with features like iButton readers or RFID cards can help in tracking driver activity, ensuring accountability and accurate driver logs.

Final Words

At Informap Technology Center LLC, they offer top-of-the-line GPS devices that are easy to use and reliable. Their system helps you keep track of your fleet, reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency. Whether you run a small delivery service or a large logistics company, their GPS tracking solutions are designed to meet your needs. Contact them today to learn more and get started!

GPS Vehicle : Let’s Make Fleet Cost management Easy

GPS Tracking System for Vehicles

Recent research shows that GPS tracking devices play a significant role in cutting down on and managing fleet expenditure by improving vehicle productivity and reducing fuel consumption, distance covered, overtime, and idle time. In today’s blog post, we will discuss how GPS vehicle tracking helps manage fleet expenses, promote its performance, and reduce costs. Let’s begin. 

How Does GPS Tracking System Help with Fleet Performance Improvement and Cost Management?

Fleet management businesses often experience challenges and issues related to vehicle usage monitoring, expenditure management due to fuel consumption, and paperwork regarding fleet reporting and documentation. With a fleet GPS tracking system, it’s possible to simplify not just the documentation, reporting, and vehicle monitoring—identifying unauthorized activities if anything happens—but also cut down on the total expenses of fleet management and improve its performance in multiple ways. Here’s how:

Supporting scalability :

Fleet management companies have fleets of various sizes, depending on business needs and usage, regardless of whether they are small or large, including cars, trucks, and containers. Hence, managing them manually can be a challenge. Fleet tracking systems simplify vehicle management while offering productive outcomes and controlling expenditure significantly.

Streamlining routing :

With a fleet management system like a GPS tracker, touring has become a breeze for drivers. They can identify the shortest, safest, and fastest route to arrive at their destination. On the other hand, it provides traffic updates in real-time and suggests alternative routes to reach the destination on time. As a result, drivers can avoid idle time, leading to less fuel consumption and reducing fleet expenses overall. 

Smart system :

As mentioned, GPS trackers improve fleet performance beyond reducing its management expenditure. For instance, this smart tracking system ensures maximum road safety when monitoring vehicle movements, including their locations and halts. In fact, you can keep an eye on drivers’ behavior by tracking their driving patterns that may cause accidents, such as aggressive acceleration, hard braking, over-speeding, etc.  

GPS Tracking System

Asset tracking :

If your fleet management business involves goods shipping from one place to another, asset tracking is equally important. A GPS tracking device also allows you to track assets besides the fleet and ensure real-time updates, combined with mobile sensors and IoT devices. 

Real-time tracking and notifications :

The best part about GPS tracking software is its real-time tracking features and alerts. It will help you and your drivers to take immediate action during emergencies, for example, when drivers violate the speed limit or change their routes unnecessarily. The GPS system can track it instantly and send notifications to take the necessary actions. 

In Conclusion : 

Looking for advanced vehicle tracking systems? Count on us. At Informap Technology Center LLC, we have the best quality and most advanced 4G GPS vehicle tracking system to provide robust solutions for multiple vehicle tracking, optimized route planning, and most importantly, reducing fleet management expenses by improving its performance. For example, you can use our MULTI-DRIVER USING IBUTTON READER & KEY, RFID READER & RFID CARD, trailer and container tracking and many other vehicle tracking devices.

Book a demo today! Call 055 3347845

Level up Fleet Efficiency: The Power of GPS Tracking System

Fleet Tracking System


To keep pace with the rapidly changing vehicle sector, it is imperative to have an efficient fleet management system. Accessing the fleet management software allows you to not just stay on top of its productivity and performance but also cut down on overhead costs and stay ahead of the competition. 

However, when it comes to embracing fleet management technology, the fleet tracking system with GPS vehicle trackers comes in at the top. It is an indispensable tool for your business to keep records of large fleets and manage them efficiently, from real-time tracking to eliminating the risks of theft to reducing high fuel consumption. 

In this blog, we will discuss how a GPS tracking system can improve your fleet efficiency and help you manage it better. Learn more here.

GPS Tracking System

Understanding GPS Vehicle Tracking System and Its Uses to Improve Fleet Efficiency: 

To put it simply, a GPS vehicle tracker is an operating device to monitor the performance, activities, and location of your fleets anytime, anywhere. You can easily fit that in the vehicles and track their movement using satellite technology in real time. Thus, you can make data-driven decisions regarding efficiency improvement, operational costs and fleet security. 

Moreover, these real-time insights allow you to find convenient and quick routes, ensuring on-time delivery and customer satisfaction. As a result, you save on fuel consumption, which cuts down on your company’s expenses. 

In fact, there’s more in a fleet management system when it comes to promoting fleet efficiency, such as:

Reducing Fuel Expenses:

For any business, the second-highest expense goes to fuel consumption. Hence, when you save more, you can spend that fund on other integral operations of your company. Yes, you cannot avoid the price hiccups of petrol and diesel, but you can take control over other causes using a vehicle tracker. For instance:

  • Idling for an hour can cause high fuel expenses, like wasting around ⅕ gallon of fuel. And, the bigger your fleet is, the higher the fuel costs for idling in an hour.
  • Aggressive driving is also a reason for high fuel costs. However, when a driver uses your company’s fleet for personal use, especially driving long routes, the same happens. 

Using a GPS tracking system, you can identify if your vehicle is idling for hours or the driving habits of your drivers, like whether they often drive aggressively. Then, you can ask them to avoid these activities through alerts and reduce fuel expenses. 

Improving Route Planning :

Not every route is similar! For optimum efficiency, your drivers can identify and optimise the best routes for vehicles using the historical data of a fleet tracking system. Thus, they can cut travel times and operational costs while ensuring on-time delivery and customer satisfaction. 

Better Driver Accountability :

When your business operates large fleets every day, drivers are the most important assets when it comes to fleet management. The more accountable drivers, the less worry there is about vehicle security and deliverables. Using a fleet tracking system allows you to not just keep track of your driver’s movements and activities but also ensure they stay compliant when driving. 

Promoting Back-Office Efficiency :

Gone are the days of long paperwork! With real-time fleet management software, you can streamline communication with your drivers and ensure vehicle safety. Moreover, you can assign jobs to them while getting location updates from customers in real time without switching to multiple software platforms. All are in one place!

In Conclusion:

So, are you ready to use fleet management services for your business vehicles? Count on us. At Informap Technology Center LLC, we offer a fleet digitalisation platform- iziFleet to get you all covered, from GPS tracking to regular checks to maintenance. You can access everything with just a few clicks, such as fleet maintenance schedules, keeping track of drivers, vehicle details, and much more. Also, you can have mobile control of your fleet, which reduces the risk of theft. 

Book a demo today!

DELOOP: A Delivery Management Platform – Optimize Local Delivery Anywhere

Delivery Management Platform

In this digital era, everything is available at doorsteps, from clothing to medicines to groceries. And if you run a logistics company or a supermarket in the UAE, you may know how important it is to deliver goods on time, Right? So, no wonder you probably stay stuck in calls to track orders and your delivery staff!

What if you can get all the details under a single roof? At Informap Technology Center LLC, we hear your wish and bring an ultimate delivery management platform, DELOOP, to make your job easier.

Interested? Let’s have an insight into its application features and advantages at a glance.

Continue reading DELOOP: A Delivery Management Platform – Optimize Local Delivery Anywhere

A Comprehensive Guide on Choosing the Best Vehicle Tracking Solution for Your Enterprise

Vehicle GPS Tracker UAE

Vehicle tracking systems come in different forms, technological levels, and price ranges. Not all of them are developed or ruggedised to handle enterprise-level operations. Investing in vehicle tracking solutions can modernise your daily functions, streamline your monitoring effort and boost security. But it only makes sense when you capitalise on the right solution. So, the biggest question is how you choose the right vehicle tracking solution for your business. Continue reading for the answer.

Define Your Requirements and Choose the Solution Accordingly

The first thing that you must do before investing in any vehicle GPS tracker is to outline the primary objectives that you want to accomplish through it. You could use a GPS tracker to reduce risk and improve safety measures. Cutting down the fuel costs is also a valid concern, as GPS trackers can directly boost your profitability. Evaluating these areas in the first place is considered a great start to the decision-making process.

Continue reading A Comprehensive Guide on Choosing the Best Vehicle Tracking Solution for Your Enterprise

What Is GPS Tracking and How Does It Work to Make Fleet Management Easier

4G GPS Vehicle Tracker

GPS has become an integral part of our lifestyle. Almost all of us rely on the GPS system for several reasons, but we hardly understand the technology. This post aims to shed light on the GPS system and educate our readers about it. At first, we will reveal the concept of GPS and then discuss what GPS tracking is. Finally, we will explain the working principle of GPS vehicle tracking devices, which will help you realise how it makes fleet management easier. So, without wasting any time, let’s get started.

What Is GPS?

GPS stands for Global Positioning System. It utilises satellite-based navigation to provide users with data regarding location and time. This technology was first designed for military purposes, but now it is widely available for civil uses. We can notice its implementation in several fields like aerospace, vehicle tracking, mapping, smartphone navigation, etc.

Continue reading What Is GPS Tracking and How Does It Work to Make Fleet Management Easier

Field Staff Tracking App: Benefits, Features, and How to Pick the Right One

employee tracking mobile app

We are all aware of the necessity of keeping a record of everything field staff members perform in order to manage an organization’s field operations.

However, obtaining accurate information about the on-field employee workforce presents a significant challenge for each and every manager of a firm. Here comes the importance of an employee tracking mobile app solution. Let’s learn about the Field Staff Tracking App, a technology that could assist you in effectively locating your employees in real-time, checking attendance, assigning and monitoring tasks, and supervising their productivity!

Benefits Of Field Employee Tracking App

Easy monitoring– A field employee tracking app tracks and monitors employees who are operating on the ground using technology-driven app software.
Continue reading Field Staff Tracking App: Benefits, Features, and How to Pick the Right One

The Delivery Management Platform: The Most Effective Tool To Scale Your Business

Delivery management platform

Nowadays, delivery management software has become one of the most efficient digital logistics tools for business logistics and the transportation industry. Moreover, this tool is effective for almost all business organizations that heavily rely on logistical management to transport their goods and source raw materials. Delivery management software help businesses in planning, managing, optimizing, and executing logistical activities.

A delivery management platform is basically a centralized system of communication that allows users and stakeholders to connect in the delivery lifecycle through one single platform. This software is equipped with a wide range of capabilities and features to facilitate a smooth delivery management system. Please read this blog to know the practical applications and benefits of a delivery management platform to scale your business operations.

Practical Applications Of Delivery Management Platform:
Continue reading The Delivery Management Platform: The Most Effective Tool To Scale Your Business

Applications & Benefits Of SecurePath GPS In Dubai

In the past few years, GPS technology has completely transformed the transportation and logistical businesses in the world. In the beginning, GPS tracking was only a technology that helped drivers and vehicle owners to know the exact location of their vehicles for better navigation. However, today the technology has reached far beyond its initial applications and uses. The technological advancement in mobile technology, apps development, and smart gadget innovations have completely revolutionized the transport industry.

Continue reading Applications & Benefits Of SecurePath GPS In Dubai

How Can Your Business Benefit From A Delivery Management System ?

Delivery Management Platform

A growing business is good for you because it means more orders, higher employee morale, and higher profits. In the case of delivery-based businesses, as the company grows, so does the responsibility to manage a larger number of vehicles, more delivery personnel, and more complex runs. The daunting task of tracking your vehicles and delivery personnel efficiently, especially as your business grows and becomes busier, necessitates meeting the added layer of complexity. Modern business owners choose to use delivery management platforms to improve their business efficiency by effectively managing and tracking their vehicles and delivery personnel.

Continue reading How Can Your Business Benefit From A Delivery Management System ?
